Monday 12 December 2011

sky arts competion brief UNIT 03


This is the Logo we made four our healthy eating label.

 This was the beginning of our layout for the healthy eating section.

 This is the layout of how our homepage was going to be.

I think we worked well together, and we researched a lot of health websites in order to gain more information and to give us ideas to help us design our own web page.
we didn't have much to time do to make our web page, but in the time we did have i feel that we made good progress on our web page.
I understood the brief and got on with it, i helped with designing the back ground and the information on the home page and on the health care page.

Monday 14 November 2011

Images and Meanings

The Colosseum
This is the colosseum the largest and most famous monument ever built by the romans.
I think the real structure is hidden beneath where nobody can see it, but the exterior structure is the life of this masterpiece as it looks amazing.
This picture makes me feel amazing, and really worthwhile it makes you feel like if somebody can do this, then anyone can achieve anything.
For alot of people the colosseum was a way of life and in some cases it was their life, people were made to fight to the death for other peoples amusement, mostly slaves.
And if they survived then they were set free.

The Eiffel Tower 
This is the eiffel tower nick name la dame de fer, it is one of the most visited
monuments in the world.
I dont think theres much of a hidden message in the eiffel tower, just a monument build to look good.
It makes me feel amazed that people can actually build such nice things and places to go to.

Suspension Bridge
The suspension bridge is a type of bridge in england, clifton.
I think the way the bridge is made is hidden to a lot of people and most people dont understand how it works.
It makes me feel kinda of shocked at the structer of this bridge, but at the same time it makes me feel good because i like the look of it.

Christ The Redeemer
Christ the redeemer is a statue of jesus in rio de janeiro.
I think this statue to most people are a sign of hope and peace.
This image makes me feel like i have something to belive in.
The statue was built because of the catholic people who lived in brazil, it is a sign of peace and hope for everyone.

The moai
Moai are monolothic human figures carved from stone.
I think these statues are maybe there for protection, to scare something away that isnt wanted.
It makes me feel kind of wierd knowing that people made these statues over 500 years ago, but why?
I think these statues were proabably created by some sort of tribe of village people as a sign of faith or something to follow.

The Great Wall Of China
The great wall of china is one of the biggest and oldest walls ever made, stretching over 200 miles long.
I think the past of the great wall is hidden to alot of people, and how many people died building the wall.
The image makes me feel good because it looks so amazing.
The great wall was a big part of the chinese dynasties, and it gave people a sense of protection and comfort knowing they would be safe behind the walls from incoming armies.


This is an image of a man in a suit holding a bird on his fingertip with his head in the shape of a birdcage. taken in broadmead bristol.
I think this image has a hidden message, something to do with freedom and trapped emotions. It could represent freedom in oneself or freedom in many people, as the bird breaking out the cage, as in freein himself.
This image makes me feel kind of puzzled into what it means and who the person was who draw it and why      did they draw it?

This is a picture of a very big piece of public art, containing a huge bear looking into a window.
I think the hidden meaning behind this could be somebody searching for something, as thats what it looks like the bear is doing.
It makes me feel amazed because this is such a good piece of work.

A mirror in a bizarre shape
Anything can be beautiful, no matter what shape and size it is.
It makes me feel good.

this is a picture of a butterfly painted on some pillars.
its very creative, its trying to show how pretty nature is.

This is an image of a church placed upside down.
Maybe by doing this they are trying to get rid of evil.
makes me feel slightly strange into why people would make this

This is part of a road painted blue to memorize a river that once ran through it, the hidden message is that without water we could not survive. 
this image makes me feel surprised that people would do this
It relates to the local society as a river used to run through their town