Tuesday 6 March 2012

Visual language excercises

 Here are some of the pieces of work i have done on adobe illustrator.

1.These are some cubes we created on illustrator, i learned a valuable set of skills in the process.

 2. This is a colour wheel we made in, its purpse was to learn to create a diagram of prime colours and what we could mix them into, and to also improve our knowledge of adobe illustrator
 3. This is a ying yang symbol we made also in illustrator, i found this challenging but none the less i completed it and im happy with the

In this piece of work we did a various different types of rythm in adobe illustrator, rythm is an art in which a pattern or a flow is repeated in order to make different types of rythm like i have done below you must be very creative.

 flowing rythm
1. it is when someone or something is doing the same flow or pattern without stopping and they do it repeatidly. Here is an example of flowing rythm.
progressive rythm
 2. Progressive rythm is when you repeat a shape or an object, but it changes in pattern, colour, texture or size. Here is an example of progressive rythm
Regular rythm
3. Regular rythm is shape or pattern that has been done in regular occurance and has the same pattern the whole way through. Here is an example of regular rythm.

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